National Facilities

CARS is honored to invite scientists and engineers working in the field of lidar and synergies to participate to the ELC2023.
The 4th edition of the European Lidar Conference (ELC) will take place in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) from the 13th to the 15th of September 2023, hosted by the Babeș-Bolyai University with on-site attendance.
This page will be updated with more information once available.
Conference website:
- Challenges: strategic role of Research Infrastructures
- LIDAR applications, synergies, and campaigns
- LIDARS onboard satellites
- LIDAR Technologies & Open forum for companies and users
- Algorithms & Data
Important dates:
- 30th May: Abstract submission deadline
- 15th July: Notification of acceptance
- 15th August: Early registration deadline
- 31st August: Late registration deadline
First announcement: link to pdf