National Facilities

On June 7th and 8th 2024, CNR (Institute of Atmospheric Science and Climate) with the Italian Air Force and the local park (Parchi Emilia Centrale) celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the Atmospheric Path, an educational trail that starts from Pian Cavallaro (1878 m) and ends at the highest peak of the northern Apennines, Monte Cimone (2165 m), where the ACTIRS/ICOS/GAW Global Station of Monte Cimone is located.
Through a number of didactic panels, is a well-established destination of many turists and also of a large number of schools every year. This year to celebrate the 20th anniversary the didactic signs were completely updated and renewed. This track represents an unique open-air laboratory and classroom, and, thanks to visit at the GAW-WMO Global Station, a unique opportunity to understand where the observations to study the climate are performed and an appreciated different and exciting way of learning about the characteristics of the atmosphere, the air that we breathe and to discuss the state of health of the Earth. The scientific observatory at the end of the trail, on the highest peak of the Apennines, allows to enjoy a wonderful view, but also to visually verify the high level of pollution of the underlying Po valley and to meet the scientists for a visit to the scientific instrumentation that monitor every day the pollution on such a remote site.
This now historic route introduces visitors to the knowledge of the atmospheric composition and changing climate, an experience that culminates at the summit with a visit to the Observatory "Ottavio Vittori" managed by the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the National Research Council (CNR-ISAC), which collaborates here with the Italian Air Force that runs the Meteorological Station. This fundamental synergy has made this site one of the 400 stations worldwide for data collection, included in open-access databases. The date chosen to celebrate the anniversary is symbolic: the World Environment Day, established by the UN in 1972.
The event began with a conference discussing the story of the atmospheric path, featuring testimonies and future perspectives, and was concluded with a hike to the summit and a guided tour of the CNR-ISAC and air force facilities, followed by the “Concert for Climate” by the Ukul’eli trio.