Overview |
This is an introductory course focusing on in-situ measurements and ground-based remote sensing techniques of atmospheric aerosols, reactive trace gases and clouds.
The students are expected to learn to understand the basic principles behind the measurement methods, to know the most important instrumentation including their advantages and limitations and how to use the data. They also get familiar with the operation of research infrastructures. We will also discuss questions related to open data, data management and data quality. During the course, the students will use openly available data to answer their own research questions.
This year, the course will be given in connection to the ACTRIS Science Conference. ACTRIS is the Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (see: www.actris.eu).
Teaching methods |
Option 1: taking the full course
The full course consists of a pre-assignment, tutorials (lectures), group work, participation in ACTRIS Science Conference (11-13th May) and a short report to be handed in after the course. Attendance during the intensive period (2nd to 13th May, ca. 9-11 & 13-17 CET daily) is mandatory. The lectures are given via Zoom.
Master and doctoral students will obtain a certificate corresponding to 5 ECTS after successful participation and completing all assignments.
Option 2: tutorials only
The tutorials are open for everyone interested, but pre-registration is required. No certificate or credits will be provided.
Target group and prerequisites |
The course & tutorials are intended to advanced master students, doctoral students, young scientists (e.g., post docs), and personnel from aerosol measuring stations and research institutes involved in ACTRIS, CRAICC, GAW, GUAN, and EMEP.
For participating on the full course, good English understanding and speaking skills, as well as basic knowledge about atmospheric science is required. The students should have at least basic skills in data analysis using a program of their liking (e.g. Matlab, Python, …).
The number of participants on the full course is limited. In case there are too many applications, students will be selected based on their reason to take the course, their study background, and the order of registration.
Teachers |
The course is coordinated by Associate Prof. Katrianne Lehtipalo (University of Helsinki, INAR). Lectures are given by top-level experts from the ACTRIS science community and central facilities. More information and a detailed program is available later. |
Application & Registration |
Full course: please fill in the online application form by March 25th at: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/116141/lomake.html
We will inform applicants about their acceptance to the course by the15th of April.
Tutorials: You can register for the tutorials until the 25th of April using the same form.
Course organiser |
The course is organized by University of Helsinki, Institute of Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) and ATM-MP Master Program, within the framework of the European research infrastructure ACTRIS and in collaboration with iLEAPS, PEEX, ATM-DP Doctoral Program, the Nordic Graduate School “Biosphere-Carbon-Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions” (CBACCI) and Nordic Master’s Degree Program “Atmosphere-Biosphere-Studies” (ABS). |
Preliminary program |
All times in EEST (UTC +3). Changes in the program are possible.
